乖乖滷味記趣 Adventure to Guiy Guiy Braised Stand

今天晚上開車去了一趟嘉義雄.  因為以經是晚餐時間所以就順便去找我的朋友豪哥.  他在嘉義雄開了一間滷味店而且一到晚上就會有一群學生和家庭主婦買滷味當晚餐.  豪哥的店以經在名雄市開了4年.  他的滷味已經在雄有很大的知名度, 主要是他的用料是當天買的.  再加上香噴噴的滷汁和便宜的價格, 一到晚餐時間就會有很多人聞香而來.  所以有機會到嘉義縣雄, 順便帶一些豪哥的乖乖滷味回家品嚐.

I took a trip to Min Shun tonight.  Because it was the dinner time, I decided to pay my friend “brother Hua” a visit. 

  He has opened a Braised food stand named Guiy Guiy in Min Shun city for years.  His food is very delicious that many students and housewives always come and buy Braised vegetables and meats for dinner.  His Braised food is well known around Min Shun city because of his fresh prepared  ingredients and materials.  With dazzling smell of Braised soup, fabulous taste and cheap price, many people pay his Braised food stand a visit on dinner time.  If you ever have the chance to visit Min Shun, Chai-Yi County, why not pick up some Braised food from Guiy Guiy Braised food. 



I took some photos from the side and front of braised stand.


我來的有點早, 所以就先等他們準備好再選我想吃的菜和肉.  他們的私房滷肉是大家必點的.

I came early, so I have to wait for their preparation.  I would pick my favorite vegetables and meat for my family.  Their must-order secret dish is the roasted with braised pork.




My favorite dish is braised Tofu.


銷售經理: 王國璋 (Jason Wang)
Email: kcwang@hotmail.com 
Blog site:  http://beewoodshop.spaces.live.com 
Tel: (05) 281-1951, (05) 231-3269 
Fax: (05)231-3257

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